Tuesday, December 30, 2008

tuesday is today

There is a reason I don't work at work. I have a lovely, large office, with windows and extra chairs and bookshelves and everything. And I really can't work in it very often. it's connected to the main office and right now there are people copying and running the folding machine, having discussions about running other copies and other things and the guys who are working on the sound system, and, and, and.

Closing the door make me seem - unavailable. And that is a dirty word.

This week - the week between - I desire to:
  • Rewrite and layout a workbook for First Communion - our denominational publishers have nothing suitable.
  • Start thinking and planning for alternative worship for Lent. This is a new thing, asking what worship would be like if we didn't feel tied to old forms
  • Review my semon texts from now until Lent. I have been running so hard that sermon prep has taken a back seat. Look at the difference between my posts now and at the beginning of this blog, in summer.
I would like to do some of those tasks here, in my office.

I need one of these: The Cone of Silence


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