Monday, December 15, 2008

Received a 'Christian' e-mail today.

I really wish people wouldn't send these.

I won't reproduce the pictures. Imagine smiling sunflowers and cute bears.

Unfortunately I opened it before lunch.

God Saw you hungry & created McDonalds, Wendys, Taco Bell, Andys and Dairy Queen
He saw you thirsty & created Coke, Juice, Coffee and Water

GOD saw you in the dark & created Light

GOD saw you without a Good looking , adorable , FRIEND.........
So He created ME !

Wash your hands and say your prayers ...
Because germs and Jesus are everywhere!

What can I say? I'm going to Culver's for lunch. I don't know if the Master of Universe, the Almighty Blessed Creator of all put it there for me.

Edited to add: I know my friend is a good friend, and a blessing, but still!

And Jesus and Germs?

1 comment:

DogBlogger said...

Ha! Those little emails are something, huh? (I have a theological problem with the idea of God creating Coke and KFC...)

I once went out for Chinese food after a really boring sermon from a retired missionary to China.