my morning started at 6:30, and ended at 2:00. Watched the Packers and then the end of the game with the guy who should have stayed retired, and then back to work.
Sermon for this Sunday is done (still to be preached once more), and two lesson plans are over with. The confirmation powerpoint got handed off to a high school senior, and the stewardship writing will be shared by a council member. Things are looking up.
Need a funeral sermon by 1:00 tomorrow, be prepared for a longish set of hospital visits and a pre-baptismal visit. Tuesday - I know I have four meetings on Tuesday, but it's possible I don't have anything to do at them. Wednesday I teach a class of 9th graders. Thursday I have some counseling, and we have a visioning meeting. Somewhere in there the funeral family would like me to drive up to 3 hours one way for the committmal of their loved one. I also promised a clergy friend I saw at the conference that I would connect with her and be supportive.
My dear husband says - you seem preoccupied. Yah think?
Quote from the son. "You've been watching the debates? I can't take my eyes off them, it's the original reality television."
By the way, the message for the day from Matthew 22:15-22 - look hard at the question the opponents ask Jesus - they ask: Is it lawful? That's code for what's in the scriptures. And Jesus answers - hey, the scriptures aren't there to tell you exactly what to do in this exact case - look at the big picture - God is in charge. It's all God's world.
Jesus is doing fast and dirty and deep and profound exegesis in this passage. It's the kind of exegesis we need to do every day in these anxious times. Is it lawful to buy stock? Is it in the scriptures that I should make so much more than others?
It's all God's world - and he works in history and in economies. More important - is it lawful to use our economic power for good, to make socially responsible investments and charitable gifts to justice? Well, of course. Then why don't more Christians do it? "Give to God what is God's" is not just about the money - but it is about trusting God's word.
Sounds like a mighty full weekend!
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