Saturday, October 18, 2008


I don't particularly care for that comment that ministry happens in what is not planned, but that's kinda the way it is these days.

I counted that I have 8 major projects to complete by next Sunday. Some are time-limited,like this Sunday's sermon (now finished), after church confirmation class, and Monday's funeral. Some go out a little farther - the Wed. confirmation class, next Sunday's sermon (actually 2 of them)and powerpoint. Then there are the things in the stream that need to get done - stewardship writing, Thanksgiving service - that's only 7, but there is another one somewhere.

And then I have two connections to find and just spend time listening, one on Friday, one today. And follow up. And dear son needs a new pair of steel-toed shoes because he thinks he has work Monday - hurray!

Just breathe.

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