Monday, May 4, 2009

annoyance and maturity

Not responding out of annoyance is a sign of maturity.

Pastors are supposed to be mature.

So, don't express annoyance with the baptism family that just requested a complete schedule of who presides and who does music for 2 months, so they can get the pastor they want preaching and the music they like. At least they didn't ask for the schedule to be changed. Yet.

Especially when I am pretty sure I've never seen them at the type of service they claim to prefer.

Of course, I'm the pastor they are trying to avoid. (They are not explaining why - may be gender, may be style, may be pleasing other people.)

Mature adults do not let being annoyed dictate their actions.

Sooo, I'm going to calm down and deal with this later.

Did i say that all this has occured via e-mail? Sent very early this a.m. to forstall the phone call I promised to make?

Does it sound like there may be something else going on that isn't about me or about the church?


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