Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Random Thoughts on Holy Wednesday

Random Thoughts

  • If I went to the StoryCore booth, what story would I tell? How would I tell it?
  • My husband and I have been struggling with the issue of clutter (my definition) and heirlooms that just need work (his definition) since we have been married. Will there ever be a resolution, or do we just buy a bigger house?
  • A new haircut, by a new stylist, is always hard to get used to. But the last one was just not right, and I always get fussy about my hair before the holidays.
  • Almost three years into full-time ministry in this place, what does commitment mean? The Benedictines take a vow of stability. What does such a notion mean for my ministry? When decisions are made that I don't agree with, how do they impact my sense of being pastor here?
  • I'm second banana, sometimes 3rd banana. That will not change. How do I thrive?
  • Am I at a place where this ministry may not be the focal and center point of my life? What would that feel like? What would be healthy about that? What might rise up? What doors might open?
  • As spring comes slowly, what do I want to be different this year?
This is my 100th post!

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