Friday, April 3, 2009

Friday Five - time out edition

Sally writes:
Holy Week is almost upon us, I suspect that ordained or not, other revgal/pals calendars look a bit like mine, FULL, FULL, FULL........

Jesus was great at teaching us to take time out, even in that last week, right up to Maundy Thursday he withdrew, John's gospel tells us he hid! He hid not because he was afraid, but because he knew that he needed physical, mental and spiritual strength to get through...

So faced with a busy week:

1. What restores you physically? Sleep - I need sleep. And sleep has been elusive on some nights. I love the Eagle, but his night music is rather dramatic. Between noise and lights and too much going on in my head, I was up again past 1:30. Sleep has always been a discipline for me - to go to that place - to lose myself - sometimes seems like letting go.

Exercise would help, but that's a goal that has fallen this Lent as I've been honest with myself, and trying not to demand too much. I sing the song of being active in my everyday life - and the more of that I accomplish, the better I'll sleep.

2. What strengthens you emotionally/ mentally? This Lent has been interesting because my discipline was to be gentle with myself, and I feel more at peace because I haven't pushed myself too hard. I am spending time understanding the role of self-differentiation in healthy functioning - I do it as I deal with the son, but it helps at work as well. Some problems are not my problems.

3. What encourages you spiritually? This year it has not been worship, sad to say. I have found my daily Bible portion helpful, thinking through posts for the blog has been an exercise in forming my thoughts and assessing what should be shared or not, and that is a spiritual process as I turn concerns over to God. This year the story itself - the life of Jesus, the passion of Jesus, the death of Jesus - has been of great interest. I see it in new ways as we learn it again in Lent.

4. Share a favourite poem or piece of music from the coming week. I was given 'Beautiful, Scandalous Night' as one of the suggestions for worship - it's been running through my head.

5.There may be many services for you to attend/ lead over the next week, which one are you most looking forward to and why? If there aren't do you have a favourite day in Holy week if so which one is it? I'd be looking forward the most to Easter - although Good Friday will be very beautiful this year. Our 'family' service is a recreation of the stations of the cross, very well done with high school actors and readings. Easter will use some of those same actors acting our Wagnerin's Ragman.



Sally said...

What a wonderful piece of music. Thank you I needed t hear that.

Anonymous said...

I'm so with you on the sleep thing. Hospital calls in the middle of the night. Writing sermons after funerals. I just wanna sleep for a week.