Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Who created the frame? I'm listening to NPR and all I hear is the 'financial crisis', over and over. No to deny there is a crisis - but how and when did it become this FINANCIAL CRISIS. Who created the frame in which we are speaking? The White House? the Press? The floundering bankers and investors who see their MILLIONs start to diminish? (and I mean 'start' to diminish, because I figure they have plenty of safe harbors away from the bad debts they cry about.)

We all have a stake in this. The presentation of this as between the Big Money and Main Street strikes me as a false dichotomy. I want to preserve my pension and my little stake in the stock market too. I want my house to sell, so I would like to see credit available to lower income house buyers.

However - who is doing the framing? Who is framing it as a 700 billion dollar bailout? Those ornery old codgers in the GOP who voted against it may have forced the question. I hope they do.

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