Wednesday, September 24, 2008

starting over

I've journaled since I was 15. I'm 52 now. In a new key, in a new way - for others to see? I've been reading blogs from others in my profession, so now I start.

Who am I? Well, married - for 27 years - one child - a son, now 20. I'm a ELCA pastor, 2nd career. I've had way too many positions - that's for another post.

I work on a large staff - I am not 'senior', but not 'associate' either.

Tomorrow I take a sabbath day. Off to the retreat center, which is really a farm. And just be quiet for 24 hours. Near nature. We've had blessed weather - like summer, and I want to sit in the sun. And just be.

It's a necessary thing. I need an attitude adjustment. I need to remember why I'm doing this - why God put me here. How things fit together.

Lots of prayer. And prayer for my people. For insight. For the ability to love them. For the strength.

All that.

And no snoring.

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