Thursday, January 27, 2011

the deal

here's the deal.

Life - is busy.

I've started to classes, both of which start with psycho-. Tells you something, no?
Psychopathology & Psychometrics. Pathology is on Thursday night. Metrics is on Saturday morning.

Psychometrics is the old testing and assessment class. My math and statistics are far, far behind me. This should be good.

And this week I accepted the role of chair of the 150th anniversary at Peace. We have enough money to pay the guest preachers and nothing else right now. I did not know this when I accepted the job. It will be an interesting year.

I'm not preaching as often, and that's okay. Life is busy. Things need to get done. I'm putting on my do-it hat and doing-it. Sometimes that makes me cranky. I will work on taking my time for prayer and mediation and exercise and eating right. Somewhere in there.

Anyone know someone with an Axis I diagnosis who is willing to be my interview subject?

Life goes on in the frozen north. But not as snowy as the north-east at least.

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